Disrupting the Feed

Why pursue anything less
than gold? At this point
resistance becomes futile
but you can check your
eligibility today and it’s
hard to imagine a more
pure version of fanaticism.
“Perfection is achieved by
fear”, she said. Are we

choosing the news that suits
our views? Also vulnerable
are the overhead cables.
The sea is an unpredictable
and dangerous place to work
but we’ve always found time
to play and listen to music.
“Anyone can make a film”,
she said. Are you primed for

illusion? We don’t want to
arrive at a clear and obvious
conclusion but our jellyfish
appears completely immune
to the lack of oxygen and one
theory is that they are drawn
in by the bright lights. Five hours
after starting the assembly is done.
Migration is a dangerous undertaking.



Steve Spence
Illustration: Atlanta Wiggs

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