Lee Harris for London Mayor

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Photo courtesy of @cheffmo


Meet Lee Harris. London Mayoral hopeful.

Photo courtesy of Chris Dawes

Photo courtesy of Chris Dawes

“I want to give a voice to the hundreds of thousand of people who consume cannabis in London. It’s time we regulated cannabis.”

Lee wants to change the archaic and harmful laws around cannabis, as he has seen the damage they can cause citizens and their communities.


Veteran campaigner for the regulation of cannabis, Lee Harris needs your support, to become the next London Mayor. At 79, Harris is a familiar face around West London’s vibrant Portobello Road.

Having moved to the UK after leaving South Africa, where he was anti-apartheid activist, Lee has lived an interesting life – as an actor, a playwright, even as an anti-drugs prohibitionist.

lee harris

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Now he runs London’s longest established headshop, Alchemy, on the Portobello Road and in his time he has shared poems, laughs and memories with some of the city’s most creative and culturally diverse minds.

Interestingly, Harris became a cannabis campaigner after seeing the harms caused by harsh and moralistic drug laws – ones which at one time he himself  strongly supported. Since then his views have changed drastically – as he now advocates a health, community and evidence based approach to cannabis laws. Now he’s looking to make a difference, from the office of the Mayor of London.

A caring, community-focused activist turned politician, Harris needs your support – and London needs a mayor like Lee Harris.

lee harris policy

Lee Head & Shoulders

Don’t hesitate to get in touch:

[email protected] | [email protected]

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