Love is Anarchist

Love is anarchist


Love is the most anarchic feeling that exists.
Love is pure Anarchy.
You can tame anything in life but never love ….
Love does what it wants.
L’amore è il sentimento più anarchico che esista.
L’amore è pura anarchia.
Tu puoi domare qualsiasi cosa nella vita ma mai l’amore …
L’amore fa quello che vuole.

Elena Caldera

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3 Responses to Love is Anarchist

    1. Brava!

      Comment by Mike Lesser^ on 24 October, 2014 at 3:38 pm
    2. Hi Mike ! Thank u dear 🙂

      Comment by Elena Caldera on 25 October, 2014 at 6:10 am
    3. Belinda Carlisle sang
      “….heaven is a place on earth,
      they say in heaven love comes first,
      We’ll make heaven a place on earth…”

      Therefore I say, Heaven on Earth = Anarchy

      Comment by Angus Anderson on 10 December, 2014 at 5:37 pm

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