No War 2016

No War posterDuring last night’s speeches at the Democratic Party’s convention to nominate Hillary Clinton for president of the United States, former Secretary of War and CIA Director Leon Panetta tried to fearmonger by blaming Russia for supposedly interfering in a U.S. election (by allegedly revealing how the Democratic Party had in fact rigged its primary for Hillary Clinton). The delegates from Oregon began a chant of “No More War!” and held up signs including “End the drone wars!” California and other delegations joined in. Panetta had to stop speaking. The party bosses truned off the lights on the Oregon section, which then pulled out cell phones and turned on flashlight apps. Watch the video here:

Neither big party convention in the United States has expressed any interest in ending war, outside of that wonderful chanting. We’re going to be needing a powerful global peace movement to control U.S. warmongering. Help us build it by attending No War 2016:

Register to attend.



World Beyond War is working with our allies to plan similar events focused on alternatives to war the same week in other parts of the world. Please contact us to help plan such events. One is already planned for September 24 in Berlin, Germany, during which people will watch a livestream of the Washington, D.C., event. Also, in connection with this, U.S. whistleblowers will deliver to the German government a petition from, World Beyond War, and others urging the closure of Ramstein Airbase (yes, also being delivered to the U.S. government).

Speakers committed to being part of the events in Washington, D.C., include: Dennis Kucinich, Kathy Kelly, Miriam Pemberton, David Vine, Kozue Akibayashi, Harvey Wasserman, Jeff Bachman, Peter Kuznick, Medea Benjamin, Maurice Carney, David Swanson, Leah Bolger, David Hartsough, Pat Elder, John Dear, Mel Duncan, Kimberley Phillips, Ira Helfand, Darakshan Raja, Bill Fletcher Jr., Lindsey German, Maria Santelli, Mark Engler, Maja Groff, Robert Fantina,Barbara Wien, Jodie Evans, Odile Hugonot Haber, Gar Alperovitz, Sam Husseini, Christopher Simpson, Brenna Gautam,Patrick Hiller, Mubarak Awad, Michelle Kwak, John Washburn, Bruce Gagnon, David Cortright, Michael McPhearson,Sharon Tennison, Gareth Porter, John Reuwer, Pat Alviso.

Click here to see photos and bios of all speakers.

Partners Include: Jubitz Family Foundation, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom,,Code Pink, International Peace Bureau, Voices for Creative Nonviolence, Jane Addams Peace Association,

Co-Sponsors Include: Washington Peace Center, Pace e Bene/Campaign Nonviolence, Liberty Tree Foundation,Veterans For Peace,, United for Peace and Justice, Nonviolence International, Peace Action Montgomery, Fellowship of Reconciliation, Military Families Speak Out, Peace Action, WILPF-DC, International Movement for a Just World (JUST), Center for Bangladesh Studies, Society for Peace and Conflict Resolution at American University,Nuke Watch, Friends of Franz Jagerstatter, National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance (NCNR), WILPF-DC,International Society for Inter Cultural Study and Research (ISISAR), Charlottesville Center for Peace and Justice,

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Get involved in the real world at No War 2016:

Registrations are flooding in already for No War 2016, a conference and nonviolent action in Washington, D.C., in September. Learn more and register:

Background on Abolition of Nukes:
> Time to Rethink NATO by Medea Benjamin and Alice Slater
> The Pentagon’s Strategy for World Domination by Bruce Gagnon
> On North Korea’s Nuclear Test by Alice Slater
> World’s Nuclear Arsenal Declines But Multi-Billion Dollar Modernization Continues by Thalif Deen

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