On the Starr Report – Or Finger Zinger


Lurid details of that mid length semen spotted blue dress

To titillate the public Ken Starr chronicled detailed specifics

of Monica’s sex jinks he told everyone about oral -anal contact

how many times, she’d orgasm – how she masturbated with a big fat cigar ,and let the 42nd President

watch her play pussy games while Yasser Arafat waited in the Rose Garden.

It took four years of painstaking research and they say, it cost the tax payer over 40$ million dollars

to compile 480 pages of a scandalous story about the President’s peach -faced adultery.

You can buy the thick bound report even now! Download it on audio!

Decades later they’re still profiting from the infamy of a young intern’s failed romance

The sisters failed her , caricatured as a slutty – nutty , kitten – killing ding bat

The blow job queen with her own hot tramp listing in Urban Dictionary

They served her up on a Pulitzer prize winning silver dollar platter.

She lost her dignity- lost her -privacy -lost all trace of identity

lost EVERYTHING that made her human .

He got to ride the rest of his life first class -finger -zinging daddy O of Capitol Hill –

slow- sucking -sweet Jazz with Herbie Hancock and Thelonious Monk.

He got to ride the rest of his life first class -finger -zinging daddy O of Capitol Hill –slow-

sucking  sweet Jazz with Herbie Hancock and Thelonious Monk .



Saira Viola

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