Overcoming the Robotic Mind – Why Humanity Must Come Through

Interview with activist and organic farmer Julian Rose about his new book Overcoming the Robotic Mind

Q. Your eagerly awaited new book is entitled Overcoming the Robotic Mind – Why
Humanity Must Come Through, can you say why you chose this theme and the
provocative title?
A. Humanity has a long history of falling into slavery when faced by the choice of abiding
by the rules set by an oppressor or entering into a struggle to break-free from such an
oppressor. Today ‘the oppressor’ is barely visible because it comes in the guise of a
deceptive form of indoctrination and convenience, when once it came with a sword or a
gun. The key form of oppression of the 21st century is shaping up to come in the form of a
technology which does our thinking for us, thereby rendering us dependent and to an
increasing degree, under the control of a non human entity.

Q. Yet this entity to which you refer has been invented and given its power by humans –
that not the case?
A. Yes. Let’s take the Smart Phone as an example. It already has this name ‘smart’
because it has been programmed to perform many functions at speeds which humans
can’t replicate. This is where the first steps of ‘indispensability’ come in. In a world where
the everyday transactions of life move ever faster, the pocket-sized ‘smart’ computer
takes on a role which makes its user dependent. Once a technology has powers which
man cannot match within the context of instant calculation and information exchange, we
put ourselves in a position which the slave has to the master.

Q. In the book you make a powerful call to people to recognize this danger and to develop
their powers of creativity, spirituality and rationality as a counterpoint.
How do
you think individuals can free themselves from their dependence on the technologies
which seem to be increasingly becoming a dawn to dusk preoccupation?
A. Firstly one has to recognize one is trapped. One cannot free oneself until one realizes
that one is not free. The remarkable thing is that these pocket sized computer
technologies give people the illusion that they are free. Free to engage in a constant
banter with others, constant access to up to the minute news, weather forecasts, road
and rail and flight conditions; food, clothes and accessory bargains – and so on. But
these are all products of a consumer based society run by an ever smaller number of ever
larger corporations. So what one falls victim to, in complying to the indispensability of the
mobile phone and its various cousins, is the reality of becoming a pawn in the hands of
corporate behemoths. Multinational and transnational corporations that control the
manufacturing, the sanitized content and the daily menu of news being dispensed. In the
West, one becomes a victim of the voracious appetite of neo-liberal globalization to take
control of one’s destiny – while simultaneously microwaving one’s brain and monitoring
one’s every move.

Q. But does recognizing one is trapped within this kind of virtual reality world, also offer a way out of it?
A. I gave the book its secondary title ‘Why Humanity Must Come Through’ because the
road of compliance to a world built on the never ending desire to acquire the trappings of
material wealth and power, is a road to both human and planetary destruction. A process
which is well advanced even as my book goes to press. More and more people are
waking up to this reality, but not so many are taking steps to do something about it. That
which would reverse the situation and start building a very different future than the one
mapped out for us by politicians and their corporate puppet masters.
The steps involved in positively moving forward and beyond the Orwellian control system
we live in, involves reaching deep inside ourselves and finding our real strengths, our real
sense of purpose. The qualities that we were all endowed with at birth but have failed to
bring into the foreground of our lives. Therefore I devote a significant part of the book to
revealing both what these qualities are and how we can use them to develop a new vision
of the way forward. This includes how to turn that vision into the practical actions of our

Q. That’s a big challenge. Have you drawn from your own life experience in laying out this path of emancipation?
A. As a writer I draw deeply on my life experience and on my perception of the
components that make up the road of truth. Through combining my experiences of
acting, organic farming, international activism and explorer on the path of spiritual
wisdom, I have discovered a great complementarity and connectedness flowing through
and between all of them – and this is reflected in both the content and style of my writing.

Q. Your book will come at a prescient moment. There is much talk of 5G electro magnetic microwave transmissions being established both on Earth and in Space so as to cover the whole world with dangerous radiation and inescapable monitoring. Is this another example of the Robotic Mind at work?
A. Yes it is. Here we face the ultimate test of our ability to reject that which would
otherwise destroy us. There is nowhere to hide if 5G is established in the way the
telecommunications industry and power obsessed millionaires wish to role it out. We are
talking about genocide and ecocide combined. An open war on the most fundamental
building blocks of nature. In order to successfully combat 5G we have to work fast and
become well educated about the thinking behind such intrinsically anti-life obsessions.
Overcoming the Robotic Mind should serve as a useful resource in this respect.

Q. We clearly live at a time of considerable confusion and uncertainty, what essential message would you like to pass to your readers concerning the immediate years ahead?
A. The underlying reason for insecurity, fear and a lack of sense of direction, is due to the
discovery that life is not the straight line from A to B. Not exactly the straight forward
march to social and economic security we were led to believe it would be by our
education system. It is actually much closer to what the English poet William Blake called
“a crooked road of genius.” What we are educated to believe does not fit the reality of
what we find along this crooked road. So we need to accept the twists and turns rather
than get stressed-out by them. We need to learn to live by our deepest intuitions and
bravely follow the path they lead us down – no matter what.
This is the only formula that will defeat the rise in robotic ‘solutions’ and the less than
human cyborg which we are being conditioned to become. It is the only power that can
defeat the robotic nature of a society conditioned to deny the cry of its own soul. The cry
for the full manifestation of the divine gift of imagination, love and sharing which is our
common birthright. That unnameable power that which steers us down the organic path
of our true individual destinies.

Q. Thank you Julian, how can people purchase a copy of your book?
A. My book is available at bookstores and on Amazon. Please see links below:



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