SO, what’s the plan? Get another load of corruptible tax-wasters to go begging the elite to save the planet? TIME TO TAKE CONTROL. If you want to take part, come along on 30th May: Quaker Meeting House, 5 South Terrace, Hastings – 6.30pm.
Are you concerned about:
Your family’s future – Decimation of environment – War – Human rights – Clean water – Cost of living – Energy costs – Lack of personal future prospects – Unsupported social services – Access and quality of your health service – Child-care services – Diminishing public services – Animal welfare & decline in species – Lack of policing – Transport – Rise in rental housing and mortgages – Social housing – Privatisation of services – Gentrification and forced evictions – Lack of legal redress – Loss of government finances & criminal use of taxes – Compensation for injustice, health, loss and business – Failing economy – Poor education – Indigenous populations and land exploitation – Crime – Corporate crime – Fossil fuel and mineral resource exploitation – Poor labour rights – The gig-economy – The rental-economy – Farming – Fishing rights – Building rights – International relations – A.I. & cybercrime – Lack of public representation – Governmental corruption – Drug-cartel impositions – Sea-level rises – Migration – Local business decline – Rising insurance?
30 May 2024 Hastings, is where the end of poverty could start. This is a community voluntary event, encouraging participation in a progressive workshop forming concretized pathways to fulfilment of a parallel global citizen’s economy for all? All the means for doing so exist.
We are all aware of recent political events indicating that the grasp for economic supremacy appropriates governments to use every violent means – domestic and foreign – to suppress public uprising and legitimate concerns. In addition; those means are accelerating our decline towards catastrophic climate collapse. It is clearer than ever – the general public are not the first priority of those we employ to represent us. SO WHAT DO EVERY ONE OF US HAVE THAT CAN COUNTER THIS RAPIDLY? And what can abruptly halt the elite’s frenetic land-grab for economic supremacy?
How’s this for more? Here’s a brief indicator of the scope of an immediate citizen’s non-monetary economy that does not touch the monetary economy and empowers every living individual:
PARALLEL NON-MONETARY ECONOMY v MONEY – (Equivalent – worst-case scenario):
GLOBAL ECONOMY 2022/3 = $405TR (105TR equity + 300TR debt) 10 wealthiest = 0.038%
This is the minimum equivalent of the potential IMMEDIATE non-monetary economy, de-centrally monitored by an international accord of the general global public. The PNME will achieve way beyond this. WHILE WE STILL HAVE LEGAL & DEMOCRATIC RIGHTS, WE CAN DO THIS.
What you can do?
All we ask is to keep living our individual lives. ALL THE HUMAN SOLUTIONS WE NEED EXIST. Corporate crack-down and governmental suppression is preventing them. There is greater global public outcry and outrage than ever in our entire human history – let’s not direct that towards each other.
The way to counter the rise in right-wing extremism is not by a counter Left. IT IS BY AN APOLITICAL MOBILISATION OF THE ENTIRE GLOBAL POPULATION OF ALL PURSUASIONS. This is what started every public uprising in the 21st century. HOW DO WE SUCCEED, where others failed? THIS IS NOT A POLITICAL MOVEMENT, we have to stop personality minority politics and divisions. The PNME is an impartial direct ECONOMIC empowerment of every living individual, to pursue their right to a full and beautiful rewarding life, take back control of their future and help avert our planetary crisis.
…is an 8-module – video workshop, exploring ALL of these issues and how it can be achieved WITHOUT violent opposition from the wealthy elite. THE PNME IS NOT AGAINST THE MONETARY ECONOMY – (it boosts it) – but it allows us all to bypass it and mobilise a global autonomous Green Revolution.
AN INTRODUCTION for this workshop is being held on 30TH MAY 2024 – 18.30 to 20.30
Venue: Quaker Meeting House; 5, South Terrace, Hastings TN34 1SA.
(2 x 45mins + 30 min interval). Tickets are limited, so please book early;
NO issue is more urgent than this. NO other proposal for a global economy offers immediate liberation and individual empowerment for all, once implemented. NO economic or political plan offers a more RAPID RECOVERY of communities and the environment. NO other global economy makes GREEN ECO-RECOVERY FAR MORE PROFITABLE THAN ARMS / DRUGS / POLTICAL ALLIANCES & REAL-ESTATE FOR THE 1%. NO OTHER ECONOMY allows us to REPATRIATE & re-incentivise governments, or RAPIDLY REPLACE THEM.
This untapped economy is right under our noses. Everything we need EXISTS. Let’s change this wonderful world for all of us TOGETHER. WE, THE GENERAL PUBLIC, ARE THE KEY – THIS NEEDS TO BELONG TO ALL OF US. Time is running out.
Kendal Eaton (author: ‘A Chance For Everyone: The Parallel Non-Monetary Economy’ Sounding Off UK, 2020)
For a group ZOOM meeting for this (in English language FREE);
To host an in-person workshop introduction: East Sussex & Kent, UK (FREE); national UK & International (expenses only).
please email: [email protected]
Facebook Group: Parallel Non-Monetary Economy of the 99%
Kendal Eaton