Playing Different Tunes

Pink Floyd. The Dark Side of the Moon. 50th Anniversary
(160pp, hbck, Thames & Hudson)

Wow, that looks nice. A big and black and glossy hardback…

Yeah. Apparently it’s the 50th anniversary of Dark Side of the Moon and this is the official book.

Right. I think I lost my album about 40 years ago. It was cool.

Still is. I have it on CD and vinyl.

Well, you would. What’s in this book then?

Lots of black and white photos of the band in the studio and on tour: backstage, during soundcheck and on stage.


It’s a bit disappointing actually. There’s one photo of a concert review torn out of a music paper, some flyers and posters, and a few cover design pages from Hipgnosis. Oh, and a full list of the tour dates and a load of section title pages.

No longwinded analysis or critical essays then? Thank goodness!

To be honest I think it’s a bit lightweight without that kind of thing.

Let me have a look.      [pause]     I see what you mean. Look at these: photos of them on the squash court.

Yeah, it’s all a bit public school boy isn’t it? Neat white sports socks and new trainers.

And photos of them on the golf course, at the bar, sitting around, drinking…

…and playing on stage!

Well, that’s what they do, or did, isn’t it? It’s all a bit basic isn’t it?

What, you can’t complain about the design or print quality.

Nah, the stage set up. Small circular screen, scrap wood models and a smoke machine.

Have you forgotten? That’s what we had back then. With a couple of lasers thrown in if you were lucky.

Lasers? I’d forgotten about them. Over-rated, they were. Crap lightshows.

Indeed, which is why lasers disappeared pretty quickly again.

No big screens or anything though?

Nope, you just had to squint at the stage in the distance.

That’s why I need glasses!

And you sticking your head in the bass bins at all those gigs at the Thirsty Ferret is why you need hearing aids.

Pardon? What did you say?

Very funny.

Nearly got you.

Not at all. Were you the inspiration for Tommy then?


Ha ha ha. Anyway, Dark Side of the Moon.

Good album I seem to remember.

Yeah, I think it was one of the first concept albums, and that it stayed in the album charts for years on end. Still a big seller. A classic.

But was it a concept album or did they just fade the tracks into one another?

Oh, come on, it’s all about… well everything, really. War, madness, death, Englishness, travel, using metaphor and symbolism.

Are you sure?

Yeah, light and dark, good and evil, hope and despair, sanity and madness; loads of opposites to discuss philosophical and emotional ideas.

But what about that screaming song? The one they use to sell cleaning stuff.

Screaming? You mean those amazing improvised vocals on The Great Gig in the Sky?

Maybe. Horrible noise.

I always thought it was about fear of dying as well as grief and loss; maybe it’s a flash forward to the madness at the end of the album.

What all that eclipse stuff?

No, that’s the grand finale isn’t it, that list of all that you are, all that you touch, taste etc. I meant The lunatic is on the grass one.

I always thought he was smoking on the lawn.

You would. Come on, it’s a great set of songs. And the production and studio stuff were good too. I mean if you hear the early versions of some of that stuff, live or in the studio, somebody sprinkled magic dust over it.

Produced by Tinkerbell.

Whatever. Anyway it’s stood the test of time, hasn’t it? And that iconic album cover too.

It always reminds me of physics lessons. And how much I hated science at school. Well, how much I hated school full stop.

You should have done some work.

What for?

Qualifications. A decent job.

How do you think I paid for everything?

What are you talking about?

I mean, I could only afford those albums, cigarettes, concerts and booze coz I worked and didn’t waste my time at school.


Yeah really. Money it’s a gas. Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash. Just like the song says.

Or in your case buy a stash?

Well, yeah. I mean, Pink Floyd were psychedelic too, weren’t they?

Skinny roll-ups with a sprinkling of dope doesn’t make you psychedelic! But yeah Floyd were pretty weird early on. Dark Side was when they went mega I think.

I liked Wish You Were Here. And Animals too – that one was a bit political and heavy. Sort of Animal Farm stuff, abattoirs, rioting and rabid dogs. Bit of energy and anarchy.

Yeah, both good, but they’re not Dark Side of the Moon.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just remember, like it says on this page, that There is no dark side of the moon, really.

Give me my book back and let’s go down the pub.

Right. Set the controls for the heart of the rum…

You’re not going to pun all evening are you?

Nah, it was just a momentary lapse of reason.

It’s your round.


Johnny Crazy-Diamond Brainstorm

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