Mark Hollis knew Kate Bush
One of his obituaries mentioned:
Imagine those two sweet retreaters
Meeting for tea
And a fag.
Two sublime voices, curtailed
By the scope and scale of perfection;
Kate’s as she motors,
Mark’s as he moves his still unrecognised
From the drag
Into a surburban zone.
Hidden no doubt by blank houses.
English trees tend to glisten
Even in gale
To shield stars.
Mark Hollis rides his bike through
The States, full with Flick,
His wife and their children.
He cuts the road like words wasted
In his former cryptic expressions
Of song.
As Kate Bush’s voice attained grace,
Hollis charted the sacred;
An angel’s scrape through stone chambers
As it shoulders its wings past the gates.
He blurred and mumbled
But light found source
In his throat
And piano;
A handful of notes,
Almost painted
Onto the canvas air, with control.
Guitar blast.
Harmonica like a razor,
Blooding the line of intention
All the ancient way
To soul’s Page.
Mark Hollis moved from a teenage
Love of Stravinsky
From the rite of spring to its colour,
Through the dischord of winter
Into the other
Reflected back
On lost eyes.
Now the record spins, blank
But rich with the silence he fought for:
Under its thin dominion
Rivers of sound
Stalk fresh earth.
By walking away, skipping suns
He influenced a fresh landscape.
Now he creeds his own;
Patron Saint of privation
As we leer light
You play skies.
You play skies.
David Erdos 28th March 2019
Video: Life’s What You Make It
I didn’t know Mark Hollis only through listening to his music for years in the ‘80’s.
Comment by Jackie on 23 April, 2024 at 5:49 pmI’m here to give condolences to his wife and children.
I understand he passed away 5 years ago in 2/2019.
I’m a fan from California.