Now Is The Time

Now is the time of our undoing
no more intimate candle lit suppers
what about office parties in posh restaurants
indeed will there still be offices
or will the lights go out in the sleek skyscrapers
now they are redundant
will working from home be the new norm
if you have a home
or are living in a temporary hotel
or queuing at a food bank
or simply lying in bed creating new poems
novels or political tracts
will we all be online
will cinema become single cabins with a screen
like the old porno booths, surely you remember those
if you ever lived
Soho, Times Square, Red light districts
before the cultural purity brigades arrived
let alone how will sex survive
cling-film orgies
twitter orgasms
will we all order take-out meals
will suicide dining clubs thrive
where the punters spit at each other
will fossil fuel be banned
will the horror of packaged holidays vanish
will you send your parents on luxury cruises to die
in style at ports banning entry
will we become a nation of number one haircuts
will we go mad
or will we evolve new forms of culture
a poem a day delivered to your door
by couriers in cutting edge fluorescent virus suits
will we invent software to capture our dreams
and project them on the moon
will there be funeral pyres in city parks
will we invent new rituals for death
and celebration of being alive
will the Battle of Britain, Dunkirk Spirit, leaving Europe
be totally forgotten as nostalgia becomes irrelevant
as we build our new tomorrow?





Peter Woodcock

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