Here the swallows are changing
shifts with the bats. Has anyone
got access to your garage? We are
looking for a solution that can
capture physiological data. Mean-
while, wildlife populations are
plummeting across the world.
Are you interested in domestic
bygones? “It all depends on the
sale cycle,” she said. Here we have
a pile of old bones and smashed-up
jewellery. Do planets migrate?
We have drama and we have impact.
Are we losing the will to live? Neon
signs are always collectable but at this
stage retreat may be the only option.
“I know what you’re thinking and
you’re wrong,” she said. Are we
capable of time-travel? “In your
dreams.” he said. Exactly how are
planets formed? At this point we have to get
down on our knees. Is this a safe environment?
Steve Spence
Picture Rupert Loydell,