A prickly question. A scourge.
As vile as any infernal monster.
In the attitudes it strikes,
Each attitude is more disgusting than the last,
Always conscious, always so scrupulously conscious.
Though crippled, crippled by a crazed exasperation…
Elena Caldera & Heathcote Williams – against violence and abuse
A work published the first time by me and Heathcote WIlliams in 2016, for women, against violence towards women.
So, this is written from my perspective, but also by a man who deeply loved women and who always respected them wonderfully. And if I say ALWAYS, it’s really ALWAYS. Indeed, I would dare to say, a man who has also suffered violence in his life, who was a victim and, after the violence, faced slander when he tried to react. So yes, he was someone who knows psychological violence, and who therefore further nurtured his empathy, from his experience, towards those who suffer violence.