Almost Forever (A Metaphor)

I want my sticky frog
I was promised a sticky frog
it’s my right to have a sticky frog
it’s not fair that I’m denied one,
when I was a child all my
schoolfriends had sticky frogs,
I was told when I was older
I’d understand and appreciate
the truth about sticky frogs
yet I’d lie awake at night and
dream of what we’d do together,
watch the glossy onscreen ads,
the luring TV digital animations
the colour-spread magazine features,
but the price stayed forever out of reach,
I once found a broken frog in the skip,
tried to breathe life back into it,
the LED-lights dim, the chip crippled,
I pretended it was mine, holding it tight,
squinting my eyes to watch it this way
and that, set it on my bedside table so
it was the first thing I’d see when I woke,
but it’s not the same, it was not the same,
how wonderful it would be to own
the sticky frog I yearn for,
the fun we’d enjoy together,
the rich satisfaction I’d derive
from having my very own
personal sticky frog,
it’s not fair I’m denied one,
I want my sticky frog
I was promised a sticky frog
it’s my right to have a sticky frog

Andrew Darlington

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