Idler editor Tom Hodgkinson chats to political theorist Ruth Kinna about the theory and practice of anarchism, the ideas of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon and Peter Kropotkin, and mutual aid. Plus Mark Vernon asks whether Jesus was an anarchist.
Ruth Kinna is a political theorist, historian of ideas and co-founder and member of the Anarchism Research Group at Loughborough University. She is the author of Great Anarchists (Dog Section Press, 2020), The Government of No One (Pelican, 2019), and The Beginner’s Guide to Anarchism (Oneworld 2009). She is currently writing 10 new pamphlets in the Great Anarchists series and working on a project about constitutionalising anarchy. This conversation was recorded as part of the Idler‘s series of weekly Zoom events on Thursday 17 June 2021.
Ruth Kinna