Which one are you today?
Despite clear message we suffer temporarily – seriously taking further sword-based classic result re-mastered full control – but when small copies of a theoretically possible bigger blockbuster micro-transaction surfaced becoming one of those rare moments, all baroque and lovingly crafted, unravelling details, disproportionate ‘representations’, psychotic types running around with worse-than-expected headaches a year earlier moving out often built for the times accepting greater risk, torn fishnets, piercings, eyes-on-stalks tattoos (sex-roses-demons) extreme Steampunk weirdness. The eye of the storm.
Fast-twitch tailspin stunning-looking quest: this isn’t something we’re handling well; keep your shifty eyes on the road ahead…
So get stuck in acquiring this new body mod type hobby maximum strength wireless telegraphy blow-drier treatment. And if the dam breaks, well, can’t help thinking about her deprived childhood – contrasting characteristic dishy, sharp, dude well-placed to help – a dodgy Fox in Socks or a cuddly Mr Tickle. Smart offices, stylish furniture, dedicated receptionist, cool rooms, business lounge, one-bedroomed flat, acoustics just right, not compromised in critical areas, sign-up, unlock car, focus on value – may end up a consultant rapid response powerful reliable scaleable innovative new world The Greatest Show on Earth: pseudo-cuties gaffe-prone clowns, intriguing film vintage late night factor hoax moon landing for extra fix. Never same again dog-hairs, notebooks, char-grilled foie gras, pizza-and-pyjama party awesome impersonators… are we really on the way out?
Fast-twitch tailspin stunning-looking quest: this isn’t something we’re handling well; keep your shifty eyes on the road ahead…
Back in the sixties and seventies a blend of daft comedy and musical revelry highlights, like four-day event skin treatments and massages, you’ll be able to watch despite everything the blackouts the slowdowns. Creepy fan-mail but no booking fees! Now arriving to phase-out entire cities (New York-London-Paris-Berlin) in period costume you get on with it in an original jet-black ball-gown. True privilege light a candle have a glass of wine, closer now, mistakes are the way to learn: we dress up and dance our socks off – snake ring, fingerless gloves, edgy soundtrack impressively constructed, code missing. Automatically get everyone in the mood make sure your pet isn’t left out shouldn’t need monthly bewitching this ‘Gothic Luxe’ trend: monochrome lace spider bracelet, battered leather jacket testament to power a multitude of sins, heaven for wild girls dates back to Saxon times – what crisis? Endemic issues speed up process shamelessly different shapes sizes backgrounds it was almost noon screaming agony outside veritable cornucopia of vice dazzling discoveries if you see nothing else tune in to this reunion of opposites special edition. Three point two million years ago we observe your fast-disappearing world of coastal lagoons, so Cindy’s dream of becoming an actress goes out the window fishing trip. Visit a studio trade in crystal meth political dossier recast as airport novel (huh?) grab an extra find out more with sub-machine guns; yes it’s just another quiet night in the metropolis.
Fast-twitch tailspin stunning-looking quest: this isn’t something we’re handling well; keep your shifty eyes on the road ahead…
It’s overwhelming and truly special to be here. Fine art prints, elbow patch blazers, hybrid golf clubs, thrills amplified first class turn-out you gotta be on some next level high-stakes electric dreamy instrumental happy slappers slapping, flappers flapping about call you tomorrow gaudy reminder of those luminous superdry suits, inflammable paper hats, glo-sticks sin and spectacle regrettably the air vent explodes. Exclusive chat ideal protection skinny-fit trousers, secret pockets, do your research nation-wide, slip back into that cockney accent what a laugh iconic alien cartel inside my brain welcome to hell slim design so-hated tiny minority public comment bad press not too good not the moment to get it on… so much can go wrong on the sofa with your new girlfriend honey honey don’t stop honey honey dynamic incredibly exciting are you brave enough?
Pale blue skies engine capacity post-war consumer boom culture retro-futurism, new wave writers, deviant subtopian norms pretentious and intrusive outdoor advertising hoardings, wires, poles, ill-sited public utilities such a fool to ask (Cindy Oh Cindy) edit your copy on trains and planes snap pictures into your diary long lens sunset over the rocky bay two couples scupper your plans think of new ways feminine variations end in another crisis.
Are we really on the way out? Today which one are you?
AC Evans