Ron Kavana died the same week I bought and received
the Ken Loach film, Hidden Agenda. Ron appears
with Terry Woods, I think, at a Republican social club
performing acoustically, although my main memories
of Ron have him playing brittle hard electric guitar
as part of a band in Camden. The film created a furore
when it was released (and won a jury prize at Cannes)

It’s never been shown on British television. That’s
a measure of how important it was. The British State
exposed (even fictionally) as complicit in murder

It stars

Frances McDormand, Brian Cox. Brad Dourif
from One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest. John
McDonnell, the Labour politician, in a cameo

I worked for John in the 1980s

The last time I saw Ron was too personal for poetry

Steven Taylor
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