Denis Denis, avec tes yeux si bleux
Denis Denis, moi j’ai flashe a nous deux
Denis Denis, un grand baiser d’eternite
– from Denis Denis by Blondie
my oh my
the postcard
was sent in 1996
I scan it again
in another century
dearest Jeff
Happy Birthday
it says
and Susan sends four kisses
she writes in blue ink
and’s added in red:
this chap looks like
a good dinner guest
don’t you think?
‘this chap’ is a painting*
on the other side
his name is Monsieur Huc
and I do think
he’s soignée
to say the least:
white collarless shirt
with shot cuffs
cigarette in a holder
blue eyes
curly tache
pointy beard
smoke curls from
his gasper
a silk hanky
peeps at his breast
this is how
he looked in 1892
too early for Susan
she invited me instead
I know she bought me
a lovely present
because she always did
her best present was
her scatty clever self
I hope I was
as good a guest
as Monsieur Huc
might have been
not as soignée maybe
but a hanky
at my breast
Susan died in 2004
she’s ever alive
in my dreams
one night
we might
meet for dinner
Jeff Cloves
* Maurice Denis painter (1870-1943)
He was born in November
and died on November 13th
Susan was born on 13th November
I were born in November too.
Poet Dennis Gould was 80 on 23rd Aug
I have a feeling he was in IT number !
when it was a print.
He certainly had an arts round-up/
review column in the early editions
and was a street-seller
He doesn’t have a computer
so doesn’t see the on-screen IT.
He’s corresponded
with Lawrence Ferlinghetti
since the middle-sixties
and they still do by postal mail.
Very nice dear Jeff .
Comment by Jessica Radcliffe on 20 September, 2017 at 6:00 pm