“Who is that girl?”
“Just another ‘out of work’ actress
who’s been hanging around on and off
for the past few years
in the same faded denim dress and hairstyle.
She likes to give people the impression
that she’s a relaxed and aware intellectual,
but she’s nothing more
than an indolent, introverted dreamer
who refuses to grow up and accept responsibilities
consequently she drifts around in a self-centred world
saturated by her own intensity and abstract idealism.
A few guys hang around her
because she is reasonably attractive
and gives off a certain air of helplessness.
Though continually and earnestly asking for advice
she only ever does
exactly as she had intended!
The first date will take the form
of a deep and involved conversation
during which she drains numerous glasses of wine
together with your ‘soul’.
It is subtly done I must admit
and only later do you realise
that you’ve let out things
you haven’t confessed to anyone –
even yourself – for years.
So with your life
screwed up into a matchbox in her pocket
you finally go home dazed,
lightheaded and rather exhausted.
She is the prime example
of a latent bourgeois reactionary
living in no-man’s land.
Will say no more my lad
go find out for yourself.
Maybe you can save her,
though I doubt it.
Still, you never know do you?
You have a complicated past
and she laps that up.
More to talk about and analyse
during those everlasting soul searches.
Buy me a couple of pints
and I’ll introduce you at the pub tomorrow.
Don’t rely on it though
she’s somewhat unpredictable.”
Dear Leonie, Well done, it is so much a reflection of our lives in the 1950’s and remembering our school magazine Excelsior brings back so many interesting things we experienced, we were so innocent in those days or should I have said some more than others. Looking forward to meeting again when allowed
Comment by Wendy Judge on 30 June, 2020 at 12:44 pmWell done,I of course remember this very well from
Comment by Annette on 3 July, 2020 at 6:45 amyour past writing!!???
That’s a memory lane, archetypal blast, from the collective
dream symbols of the charming
and delightfully dubious 60’s…
A heady mix of west end acid consuming gansters, spiritual
movers and shakers, lost souls in Biba garb, replete with their
vegetarian visionary boyfriends…
A rag tag band of gypsies and spiritual cowboys.
United in their disparate desperate desire to change the world…
You look so alluring and atractive leonie.
a whimsically wise woman standing outside the Roundhouse
Myself longing to approach you, but to shy in my green
St Aloyius school blazer…
It was only rockin’roll but we really did like it.Ho Ho !..
Comment by Stephen lyons on 13 August, 2020 at 12:21 pm