


We get what we want

with consent

from the opposition

and if consent doesn’t come

we bomb.

That’s what we’re brought up on.

Children . . .

Don’t go along with the next one.


Everything you’ve got

hasn’t been

given but taken.

Please don’t do what

you shouldn’t.

We really aren’t that different.

Children . . .

Don’t go along with the next one.


We grow complacent

in this skin

with our pounds and pence

and better sins


Did we really let this happen?

Children . . .

Don’t go along with the next one.


The times come again

so sudden

and we let them keep coming

telling ourselves we haven’t

an option.

But yes

your children

will go along with the next one.

If you let them.


So give us consent

or get bombed

like the rest of them.

That’s the message we send

yet again

when they don’t listen.

Children . . .

Don’t go along with the next one.

If you don’t want.

It’s your decision.



Greg Fiddament
Illustration: Claire Palmer



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