Clothing With Innovation & Real Value, Engineered to Enhance Your Everyday Life

I’m in Uniqlo wishing I wasn’t in Uniqlo
And though I admit their boxer shorts are among the best
Outside the fitting rooms
I wish they had seats but none of these stores have seats
It’s as if they assume everyone is young
With legs that can stand prolonged standing

Outside the fitting rooms
Waiting for the only person I consider worth waiting for
I began to consider the question of God
And does He ever wonder whether or not we exist
Or are we simply figments of His imagination

You see what I did there? I turned it right around ……

Or are we simply figments of His imagination
And does He ever wonder whether or not we exist
I began to consider the question of God
Waiting for the only person I consider worth waiting for
Outside the fitting rooms

With legs that can stand prolonged standing
It’s as if they assume everyone is young
I wish they had seats but none of these stores have seats
Outside the fitting rooms
And though I admit their boxer shorts are among the best
I’m in Uniqlo wishing I wasn’t in Uniqlo

© Martin Stannard, 2017
Photo Nick Victor

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2 Responses to Clothing With Innovation & Real Value, Engineered to Enhance Your Everyday Life

    1. I am actually wearing Uniqlo boxers as I write this, and trying to figure out the link between the poem and the picture. Answers on a postcard please…….

      Comment by Jeremy Twill on 16 March, 2017 at 8:05 am
    2. ################################Your pants is going to burn…………………………..

      Comment by Editor on 20 March, 2017 at 10:34 am

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