Contemporary European Poets


This Saturday evening, July 7th, from 7pm onwards, the Rich Mix will host the third Maintenant Camarade poetry event, featuring ten pairs of contemporary European poets. Please do attend, entrance is free.
Jean Saint-Clair (Merovingia)   &   Thomas Schijlvers (Netherlands)
Eyjaf Hiilsson (Iceland)   &   Roberto Pastore (Italy)
Mary Franks (England)   &   Francizka Kruk (Poland)
Holli Irritatovich  (Slovakia)   &   Emelina Bandolero (Spain)
Philippos Tarantino (Greece)   &   Alain Poissonier (France)
Timoteo Ascenseo (Portugal)   &   Harold Jones (Wales)
Semyon Baraklov (Russia)   &   Jezbel Dicsenescu (Romania)
Anders Spraggson (Sweden)   &   Dáibhí O’Beverage (Ireland)
Rickert Barth (Germany)   &   Marcell Sleezackcs (Hungary)
Christos Maccabee (Israel)   &   Tuomo Jinx (Finland)
(N.B. The inclusion of the Israeli poet Christos Maccabee on the bill is controversial and a small nonviolent protest is expected).


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