death of a ladies’ man

I’ve been listening
to a favourite troubadour
who departed last week
I can see his famous songs
I can hear his handsome face

I miss him I miss him
he’s gone
though his music lives on
and will forever I know
though he’s left a hole
in the hearts of many
and not only women

a ‘ladies’ man’
he wrote of himself
with his usual irony
or was it?
if you believe
the lauding obits
he was
it seems
everybody’s man

no matter
it was the music
that mattered
and matters


Jeff Cloves



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One Response to death of a ladies’ man

    1. My long time mate and comrade Jeff Cloves has once again brings a passion in but a few words.

      Jeff the Peacenik, anarchist, beat poet, architectural designer, wordsman, a pal from the days of Aldermaston Marches is still continuing the fight for life and essentials freedoms for all.

      Great that IT INTERNATIONAL TIMES is still alive. I have first edition copies. Now an 87 year old poet, author, broadcaster, lecturer, architectural engineer, living in the Netherlands from being one of Thatcher’s walking wounded, now post BREXIT expat would like to once again write for IT. So pleased this morning to discover you are still going.

      Comment by Bill Holdsworth on 18 November, 2016 at 9:56 am

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