The Ballad of Harry and Dirty Pete
Now Harry had a seagull
Whose name was Dirty Pete
Who wore a nice white jacket
And pink wellies on his feet.
Now when old Harry was sleeping
And snoring in his bed,
Dirty Pete’d fly round the room
And leave presents on his head.
On Fridays they’d go boozing
Down at Bilge’s Inn,
At closing time they’d stagger home
And make an awful din.
One night they had a drunken fight
And Pete blacked Harry’s eye,
So the very next day for breakfast,
Old Harry had seagull pie.
And now they say on certain nights
That up and down that street
You can hear the beat of ghostly wings
And phantom wellied feet.
From “Diary of A Shapeshifter”.
Published by Beul Aithris Publishing
By Kevin Patrick McCann