Dipstick Apocalypse

The new ebook from Argotist Ebooks is “From Dipstick Apocalypse” by Rupert M. Loydell


Tomas Tranströmer notes that “sometimes an abyss opens between Tuesday and Wednesday but twenty-six years could pass in a moment. Time is not a straight line, it’s more of a labyrinth”, an idea which underpins Rupert Loydell’s poems from “Dipstick Apocalypse”. Here are doppelgängers, doubles, mimics, impersonators and decaying ghosts lost in a maze of poetry, allusion, puns and forgotten memories. Here is a world between others, out of sync with itself, its inhabitants desperate for oblivion and a way to escape the whirlpool of time, echoes of tomorrow, and the “smell of sulphur and soot”.

Available as a free ebook here:


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