Drawing Down The Feminine

Poster image: Kate Walters

I have great pleasure in inviting you to a forthcoming exhibition at Bridport Arts Centre. The opening night is Friday 2nd February; on Saturday 3rd February at 11am many of the artists will be present for a short talk about selected works in the exhibition – and to answer questions.
This exhibition has toured from Newlyn Art Gallery in Cornwall (February 2016), and The Plough Arts Centre in Devon (July 2016); and some of the works in this edition of the tour are new. 
It is the fruit of around three years’ work. Kate initiated the group as a response to her perception of the art world, and broader society, at the time…
I would be grateful if you would share the invitation with your friends, especially if they happen to live near Bridport…
We look forward very much to welcoming you to our event. 
Kate Walters

Then creation recognised its Creator in its own forms and appearances. For in the beginning, when God said, ‘Let it be!’ and it came to pass, the means and the Matrix of creation was Love, because all creation was formed through Her as in the twinkling of an eye. The Holy Spirit as Sapientia St. Hildegard von Bingen.The Mother Goddess, wherever she is found, is an image that inspires and focuses a perception of the universe as an organic, alive and sacred whole, in which humanity, the Earth and all life on Earth participate as ‘her children’. Everything is woven together in one cosmic web, where all orders of manifest and unmanifest life are related, because all share in the sanctity of the original source. However… the goddess myth (is) nowhere to be found…our mythic image of Earth has lost this dimension. Anne Baring and Jules Cashford, from The Myth of the Goddess

Every part of this earth is sacred to my people. Every shining pine needle, every sandy shore, every mist in the dark woods, every meadow, every humming insect. All are holy in the memory and experience of my people. Chief Seattle

Millennia of materialistic, linear, expansionist and patriarchal culture are bequeathing us a distorted and disfigured planet and culture.  A group of artists – Kate Walters, Jim Carter, Professor Penny Florence, Professor Tanya Kryzwinska, Valerie Dalton, Max Burrows, Karen Lorenz, Sara Samuelsson, Maggie O’Brien, Mat Osmond, Jo Jewers, Scarlette Von B., Faye Dobinson, Otter Rose-Johns, Sally Tripptree and Karina Countess Von Borowski Hosking – are working towards an exhibition which is calling back to life those quiet, submerged, yet insistent threads of the feminine regenerative principle.

Their exhibition, and works in progress, will be shown at Newlyn Art Gallery from March 8th to 12th 2016. They will be considering many facets of working in a way which engages with the feminine or matrixial body, including film, poetry, painting, drawing, sculpture, performance and printmaking. There will be workshops, performative events, a panel discussion and artists working in the Upper Gallery. Artists will be happy to talk with visitors about the themes of the exhibition, the works on show, and their individual concepts and techniques.

Drawing Down the Feminine

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