Dutchman/The Specialist




Great riches are a form of madness

The wealthily insane

Seemingly attracting their own kind

Bask in a delusion they appear entirely normal


I know of one such billionaire

He lives entirely in the sky

Perpetually he flies

Continent to continent

Aboard his private aeroplane

I’m sure you’ve guessed its name   –

‘The Flying Dutchman’


You will not meet this man

On boulevard nor avenue

Nor any homestead anywhere   –

For this way he’s required to pay

No taxation ‘Nowhere’


Insanity alone inspires

A logic such as his   –




A sighting in a Zurich airport lounge

Once was verified   –

He was brokering the purchase of Old Masters

Representing ‘parties’ too otherwise engaged

To peruse more than the price tag

On sets of token high-investment Art


His commissions are commensurate   –

In that rare altitude

He cuts a mystic figure  

A Zen of zeroes trailing from his pen   –


Infinity’s profound if meaningless number







I specialise it’s true

In the troubles and the treatment

Of reluctant billionaires   –


Consultants will advise

‘Aqua Vita’ once suspended

In a silver Asprey’s spoon

Is found most efficacious

As homeopathic cure

Boosting in the senile male

Grandiose if infantile entitlements


I suspect that our more senior practitioners

Have sampled similar tonics   –

Fresh from The Med. in tailored shirt and shoes

Their bespoke blazers bright with yachting braid   –


Incautiously they made contagious contact

Contracting that condition   –

A virus known now only to the few

As ‘Filthy Lucre’



Bernard Saint 

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