from The Reincarnation of Anna Phylactic


soup ter tek over dar by raznorechie. Misalliance’s facts

never suffocate for privacy t.Skipf(“Ignoring

known failing test (

Failed with: %v”, err)’s kill stick.

Diurnal round the ping body.

[…] hematoma on a glass neck G,

S, even (-6) or (***) can come after A. Post-s’ personal

Destruktion, a thug in cryonics, at root trasumanar (pulmonary,

tracheal, laryngeal, pharyngeal, nasal, buccal). Bot

be swift, spills out jit, overlord in clots, parch

rec.PanicHandlerFunc = func

(i *PanicInformation) { at C

there is no sequence, significar

per verba. Drills, organic hesitancy up the wrists.

Fluxion method, ∆y/∆x by algebristasbarbers

and bone setters play four chordal horns. Tradict,

it gether tastic for pilgrim pities the etc., this tion.

Our planomenon traps its pastiche. Spread canker.

Where’s the cordial glass? Grab Anna Phylactic’s echolalia

Double Elvis, EPLAN9 = syscall.NewError(not supported

by plan 9”). Tain, that had the ity, place barbs

on the 7th syllable – “ottonario,” fit waist for traffic.

Mocks are merci[ful] (V.ii.201-1), sarily and sests,

a piezo sensor [ce pas impossible]. It is, was, never,

few (cession), parrots contrariness. Shaitan interrupts

Gibreel, func ParseUnixCredentials

(m *SocketControlMessage) (*Ucred, error) { ONE

BECILES. The sciolist bloats, mafgi‘a [cf. Shab. 77b],

still versal fronts a forth. Corollary 7.1. (Jensen’s

Inequality) If f : [a, b] R is a continuous convex function,

a zulu xiphoid. Commodiois is less incogitant

than the Magdalenian. Groaner: a salvage. Primes,

divisible by unity, gloss their neoprene threads



as SYS_WRITE = 4 // { ssize_t|sys||write(int

fd, const void *buf, size_t nbyte); }. Interrogative Personal

Pronoun Objective Case. Develop the anagram

with a junk maestro. It has [SEL

[ANIM : +]], ludic as flarf.

The extropianians object: POST RAPT




functions. Obscure the sign they occlude. Above all, mental

palate cleanser, et in Arcadia: handler := Wrap(http.Handler

Func(func(rw http.ResponseWriter,

r *http.Request) { can sequence conduce?

Sprachskepsis by Hiram key is a cockchafer.

Hop sheaf, up slap, fed fry admits jouissance, unhumps

populism. Degradation’s tempo

in the speargun cortex

and spandex (not shown),

is 1 for primary stress,

and 2 for secondary stress. Loki kills

Fizzog in Valhalla. Odor clings, hang. Purge in harm.




MCL|DT|MADV|PR)_/ ||. High up, falsetto frock

as alētheia, more strategic terminus a quo, resists

the coxcomb. Taffeta on fatalists or (Greek: θλίψις

μεγάλη, thlipsis megalē), spreads chromatics. Demand

that it supply [sic] spurs in t.Errorf(for %s Major(%#x)

== %d, want %d”, tc.path, dev, unix.Major(dev), tc.major).
One side,
epistemophilia. The other, scopophilia.

Their tactic, otium. DICHTEN = CONDENSARE.

Ze [r]RIFFraff! Ug! ze [b]BANdits!—poieetikee



(put > zero), parses diode gates. Goodk kkkkk unjam ingwe

nches lass? Enframe

the mineral deposit,

demonry. No quincunx if !d.cs.Disable

PointerAddresses && len(pointer

Chain) > 0 {fidelity. Doctrines

from the rout, date stra jacket form (“L-l-l-listen”).

Call the Ospedaletto. Bandwidth is sharp as hail. Takes

polyfilla, not the Ciceronian humanitates. Decline

upskirts—Lebensunwerten Lebens—CNB = max j P(C = Cj )

Yn i=1 P(ai | C = Cj ), uneasilent

for coursation. Footmance!

Tap that ass. Idempotence @ leq

(X,Y)\ leq(X,Y) <=> true. A second Messiah

(on Postel’s ‘feminism’ cf. Sottile 1984). Word0,0 =

<START> and score0,0 = 0. Enter the parallax gap.

Star! spot! sput! stop! star! sputsput! The next variable,

discretio spirituum, has its triads. Redaimonize fist

fuckers. Thank God for Filippo’s torment. Even nostalgia

has its mechanosphere. The Grail? Secrete scraps, black

rayon, burnout velvet—frequent slant, demolition.

When quatrains are in rime riche,

cuntext is debunked with red silk.

SYS_KILL = 37 // { int|sys||kill(pid_t pid,

int signum); date set for the spermathon contest.

Deixis implies praxis. Defection by blank with black

tulle trim—check the box for identity theft. First “tempo

feroce” and then “e lento,” the mimetic-cum-military

jest’s disgestion. Droom Zaacht is up for grabs.

Dissent signals come from above. The farengis is hung

around our necks. Delta 83. (The Convexity Criterion II)

Let f : [a, b] R be a continuous function

which are differentiable twice in (a, b).



Daniel Y Harris

Daniel Y. Harris is the author of numerous collections of xperimental writing. His individual collections include The Tryst of Thetica Zorg (BlazeVOX, 2018), Volume II of his Posthuman Series, The Rapture of Eddy Daemon (BlazeVOX, 2016), Volume I of his Posthuman Series, The Underworld of Lesser Degrees (NYQ Books, 2015) and Hyperlinks of Anxiety (Červená Barva Press, 2013). His xperimental writing and sauvage art have been published in BlazeVOX, The Denver Quarterly, European Judaism, Exquisite Corpse, The New York Quarterly, Notre Dame Review and Poetry Salzburg Review. He holds an M.Div from The University of Chicago and is Publisher & Editor-in-Chief of X-Peri. His website is

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One Response to from The Reincarnation of Anna Phylactic

    1. This writing deserves the Sinclair Beiles Memorial Prize.

      Comment by Cy Lester on 8 June, 2019 at 12:37 pm

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