Genetic Roulette








Hardwick Lecture Series 

Everything you need to know about GMO – and more.

We are delighted to announce that Jeffrey Smith, the World’s leading
consumer advocate on genetic engineering and its consequences, will be
giving this Hardwick Lecture.

The evening will provide a unique opportunity to hear direct from the author
of ‘Genetic Roulette’ and ‘Seeds of Deception’, who is in the country for
just one week, in order to alert the U.K. public to the human and
environmental health implications of being on the receiving end of a GMO

Book early to avoid disappointment.
Wednesday 12th February 2014 – 6.45 for 7.00pm

Hardwick House, Whitchurch-on-Thames, Oxon RG8 7RB

To book a place please call the Hardwick Estate Office on

0118 9842955 or e-mail [email protected]


Tickets £8 includes a hearty bowl of GMO free soup.


Hardwick Estate Office
0118 9842955
[email protected]


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