Hi claire,
A few days ago, Boris Johnson went on TV and said this: after Brexit the UK “will be able to ban huge hoover trawlers that come in and hoover up everything off the bottom of the sea”. [1]
Well, it’s been a week since Brexit, and Johnson’s had months to plan for it, so it’s time for him to turn those words into action. To start with, the government must immediately ban destructive industrial fishing vessels from the UK’s Marine Protected Areas.
300,245 people have so far called on the government to ban industrial fishing in Marine Protected Areas. Can you add your name to help ramp up the pressure?
Every year, industrial fishing vessels like supertrawlers and bottom trawlers spend thousands of hours fishing in the UK’s Marine Protected Areas.[2]
These areas were set up to safeguard important marine habitats and iconic species like dolphins and porpoises. Supertrawlers and bottom trawlers threaten the health of these sensitive ecosystems – they have no business being anywhere near them.
The government has repeatedly said that once Brexit is done they’ll be able to increase marine protection here at home. Whatever your view on it – now that Brexit’s done there are no more excuses for inaction. Let’s hold them to account on this and make sure they don’t break their promise.
Call on the government to ban supertrawlers and bottom trawlers from Marine Protected Areas: