Heads up – The Shape of a Pocket


‘The pocket in question is a small pocket of resistance. A pocket is formed when two or more people come together in agreement. The resistance is against the inhumanity of the new world economic order.’
John Berger 


Dear Friends.
To let you and your diaries know that I have established, with  performer Tina Grace The Shape of a Pocket – a series of events inspired by the work of John Berger. The venue – Upstairs at the Gatehouse; Highgate’s theatre and arts centre are hosting bi-annual events of film, poetry and visual art. The launch event is Sunday April 14 – 5-8pm. We’ll show the film Surrender – Ways of Hearing John Berger, a British Library commission, looking at immigration and migration. There’ll music, poetry and a performance inspired by Berger’s Ways of Seeing.  An art exhibition too, with refreshments in the Green Room, and a talk by Peter Kennard.  A rich evening indeed. Website on the way, and the event is on sale here.
It would be lovely to see you.   Jan 


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