I’ve just about recovered from the Hell Bus deadline and journey to and from Glasgow. It was an extremely stressful, frenetic and expensive project but it was also incredible fun and pretty exhilarating to be working on a large-scale exhibition again, (the biggest, and definitely the most complicated I’ve ever done,) after the non-year of 2020. I absolutely love a deadline. There’s nothing like the fear of letting people down and making a prize tit of yourself to get you out of bed in the morning.

The response to the exhibition was amazing, which had nothing to do with the fact I was sitting at the end of the bus grinning and prodding at visitors as they left. The enthusiasm of the response encouraged me as to the viability of properly touring the bus in the new year. (If you run an event that could host the bus in spring/summer 2022 get in touch!)

The Hell Bus was only possible thanks to the support and help of a lot of people who chipped in money, time, skills (and endured occasional misery) to make it happen. I was going to post all my thank yous here but after realising it’s 1000 words long, I’ve posted it on my website instead.


Above: Short video/interview by The Scotsman about the Hell Bus.

There was so much greenwash advertising in Glasgow during COP26 (including all over the absurdly energy inefficient digital screens) I was pleased to see some of my poster designs replacing them thanks to Special Patrol Group.
While I was in Glasgow I did a couple of talks about my work and subvertising for the Cop26 Coalition’s People’s Summit, one of them was recorded which you can see above.


Compulsory gift-giving season is almost upon us so I should probably mention my shop full of gift-like objects.

It all helps keep the lights on and funds my activities.

While I don’t do Black Friday type shenanigans I should give fair warning that I’ll be increasing my prices slightly in the new year.

This update is public and shareable so please feel free to pass it on. If you’re not on my mailing list but would like to be you can sign up here.

Eternal thanks to anyone who’s ever backed my work on Patreon or through the shop!

And thanks for reading!

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