hot stuff

hot hot hot

jazz is …

hot as the equator

hot as African suns
hot as the underworld
hot as gangsta guns
hot as zoot suits
hot as diamond-tooth grins
hot as pork-pie hats
hot as gold chains gold rings
hot hot hot
jazz is …

hot as Jesse Owens

hot as Josephine Baker
hot as Martin Luther King
hot as Venus and Serena
hot as Angela Davis
hot as Muhammad Ali
hot as Ted Joans and Marion Jones
hot as Spike Lee
hot hot hot
jazz is …

hot as New Orleans

hot as Mississippi
hot as Chicago
hot as Kansas City
hot as Big Apple
hot as Madison Square Garden
hot as the A-train
hot as Harlem
hot hot hot
jazz is …

hot as Route 66

hot as pink Cadillacs
hot as a chain gang
hot as railroad tracks
hot as bourbon
hot as Benzedrine
hot as hashish
hot as heroin
hot hot hot
jazz is …

hot as rage

hot as love
hot as flesh
hot as blood
hot as obsession 
hot as desire
hot as addiction
hot as freedom’s fire
hot stuff hot stuff
can’t get enough
hot hot hot
jazz is hot



Jeff Cloves

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