Blackened semi-smile
eyelidlifted turned
rust fur Can’t get a
fix on
mangled slab of splintered bone
stringy red muscles
Armpit trying to raise
mouth milk,
staring at something great.
Eyes like headlights still on
on twisted steel.
0070 64 F 04 is sad,
he’s looking up to the right
cheeks bulging.
Some are camouflaged, it seems,
with death labels &
plastic label bags
–ears show,
a tooth rip.
Black skin rubble
no eyes upper teeth
in death lisp.
Faceless, no, burned to
a congealed
insectile smear.
Shattered lit
skull rubble through which
one eye blasts.
Maroon head skin
tucked up about its bag shoulder
as if asleep.
What am I looking at?
At horror looking through
an 1899 update:
after the lynch picnic,
the knuckles of Sam Hose displayed
in the window of an Atlanta grocery.
340 04 V 04
nearly all blood.
Very old man gray
turned head cupped
in death sheet blossom.
Clayton Eshleman
from An Alchemist with One Eye on Fire (Black Widow Press, 2006)