Literature Today

The past of the philosophers,  

The present of the architects;   

Serves the time today.  

This modern world still bears the burden of yesterday.   

Like history books echoing the past today 

A present time should run in the literature of tomorrow. 

Perhaps we are running too late.  

When at times unwanted musings rule the heart

The grief and desire burns like paper, in the mind.  

The red wine of a king does not flow today

On the other hand, 

The sweat of a farmer is dry.  

Literature today only laments 

The remnants of yesterday when it should 

Foresee tomorrow.





Sushant Thapa
Illustration Nick Victor



Bio: Sushant Thapa is an M.A. in English Literature from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. Recently, he has been published in Trouvaille Review. His poems have also appeared in, USA. His poems have appeared in the print in The Kathmandu Post and online in My City portal of Republica Daily from Kathmandu, Nepal. His poems have also appeared in The Gorkha Times, Kathmandu, Nepal. Indian Periodical, India has also published his poems and he has also been published in Sahitto Bilingual Literary Magazine, Bangladesh. He is also forthcoming in a pandemic anthology and his first book of English poetry is also releasing soon. Sushant lives in Biratnagar-13, Nepal.  

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