Looked After

I wanna protest
against Trump but mama says
I’ve got eczema,
there’s ironing left
to do,
the lawn, the beds,
scrub the stairlift,
move the mouse-trap from A to B
once I’ve finished with that I should
make a start at
boiling jam.
Seventy-quid-train-fare should feed us all
the week after the picket.
I wanna protest
against mama but Trump
turned the noise right up
in my slum we think
earmuffs should do
she has a whole load of washing
my homework needs checking
for subversive context
a neighbour lost a cat and
she’s now on the phone with 111.
I am not heard.


Maria Stadnicka
Illustration Nick Victor

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2 Responses to Looked After

    1. Love it!

      Comment by Lynda on 11 July, 2018 at 11:36 am
    2. Thank you for reading, Lynda, for your feedback and for your support for the cause!

      Comment by Maria Stadnicka on 11 July, 2018 at 3:27 pm

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