
My lines weave mellifluousness
of meetings in mind
like thighs around yours
in concert with the climes.
During that phase,
in the unhurried passage
to unchartered directions,
unknowingly, we were locked forever.
The weathering of bark
is indication
of bridged wayposts
we couldn’t cross.
But your voice carries the lilt
of a cared-for lyric
on demo of my discography.




Sanjeev Sethi
Picture Nick Victor


Sanjeev Sethi has authored seven books of poetry and been published in over thirty-fiv countries. He is the joint winner of the Full Fat Collection Competition-Deux, organized by the Hedgehog Poetry Press, UK. Highly Commended in the erbacce-prize 2024 for poetry with over 9000 submissions worldwide, Sethi lives in Mumbai, India. 

X/ Twitter @sanjeevpoems3 || Instagram sanjeevsethipoems 





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