Moving On

 Daevid Allen performing with Soft Machine at the UFO club 1967












Daevid Allen 1938-2015

‘You never blow your trip forever’

The starman 
lived among us 
for a while. 

The musician 
found music 
in the back of his mind. 

The poet 
knew words 
were a powerful spell. 

The magician 
knew a trick 
even he could not perform. 

The musician 
made music 
for the back of our minds. 

The alchemist 
found gold 
in the dirt beneath his feet. 

The starcatcher 
juggled balls of light 
in the spaces between. 

The musician 
left music 
in the back of our minds. 

The shapeshifter 
cannot change form 
now he has left his body. 

The starman 
lived among us 
for a while 

but has now moved on. 

   © Rupert M Loydell 

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