My Dead Wife?

I am writing to my dead wife because, perhaps, I have lost my mind.
Perhaps there was no sanity, before my loss;
Perhaps no wife.

Perhaps I have lost nothing
Or something close to nothing.
How close can you get to nothing?

Is nothing a possible destination,
A reachable end,
Or is everywhere equally close to nowhere?

Awake is not aware;
Nor does wakefulness
Preclude dreaming.

I write to my dead wife,
To a dream.
Is the dream less real: more real?

Meaning is a path from experience to understanding,
But I write unanswerable questions.
Perhaps unquestionable answers would be better?



Mike Lesser
Illustration Nick Victor


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One Response to My Dead Wife?

    1. I used to send texts to my dead mother, who never even had a mobile phone! I missed talking to her so much, that writing messages whenever the sore ache of loss hit me, was the only way forward.
      You can never forget, it never stops hurting, whether family or close friends, death is a thief who steals our loved ones and leaves great holes in our hearts.

      Comment by Heather on 20 January, 2019 at 11:46 am

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