Why is Socialism doomed? A by-product of the Industrial Revolution that owed more to Methodism than Marx, and reflected the social conditions and ideals of an age long gone, Socialism was a relatively short-lived ideological movement; its heyday was roughly between 1848 and 1870. Between 1870 and 1970 Socialism in England experienced a long, messy decline symbolised by the rejection of the Attlee government by a conservative working class that preferred Churchill and Eden, and eventually voted for Thatcher and Blair before succumbing to the jingoistic populism of Brexit and other diverse collective manias of tribal and/or sectarian identity politics.
Originally predicated on a simplistic class war concept that even at the time was outdated, Socialism despite its progressive aspirations has never been able to cope with its own retrograde, nonconformist religious roots and has since been overwhelmed by new, cosmopolitan elites of managerial professionals and private sector business-finance mavericks.
This class has rapidly evolved to implement the cross-border international markets and corporate-services sector needed to maintain and expand a global hyper-capitalist economy; it operates beyond the reach of conventional politics. Most politicians are representatives of, or minions of, this elite class and have no interest in traditional socialist ideas of social justice, equality or workers’ rights. This new class is well on the way to global takeover, and Socialism is well on the way… out.
AC Evans