Personal Space Race

Personal space race

No need to save face

You don’t care about me

What will be will be

You’re sat in the aisle

Blocking the window

My crooked smile

As I’ve nowhere to go

Beleaguered bags in need of rest?

Looks like such a lovely nest

Politeness pulling to keep my mouth shut

Yet there escapes an awkwardly audible tut

Stirred as if it were a shout

Why do you look so put out?

I shouldn’t need a reserved sign

For an empty seat to be mine



Jonathan Owen
Illustration nick victor

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One Response to Personal Space Race

    1. Like the “tut” and slamming the point home at the conclusion
      with a “snap” as sudden as the mouse trap!

      Comment by Phil Lowe on 12 April, 2019 at 10:03 pm

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