Ragged Lion Press

A selection of some forthcoming Ragged Lion Press titles for 2020. Please support small press and subscribe the Ragged Lion Press channel, and visit the website to purchase hard copies of limited edition titles. www.raggedlionpress.co.uk Jeremy Reed // Lorca’s Sonnets of Dark Love // Poetry Chapbook Jeremy Reed // David Gascoyne and the Journey Through Madness // Non-fiction chapbook Audrey Szasz // Doom Annex Youth // Poetry Chapbook ERRorISM: A Journal of Re-Approrpiation // #2 Sweat Equity // Literature & Art Folio // #2 Audrey Szasz // Captain Koretsky’s Daughter // Hardback Novel Ragged Lion Journal // #1 Jeremy Reed/Arthur Rimbaud // The Illuminations FREE POETRY SERIES // Quarterly release
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