As Britain is experiencing the worst snow since last time,the rest of the world has decided to cease all activities and events to let the BBC cover just the snow.
A spokesperson for the rest of the world explained; “there were many important events all over the world on Monday which the BBC covered in depth,we realise that it’s best if we just sit still for a few days so the BBC can send reporters to all four corners of the UK to explain what snow is and the impact it has”.
A BBC news twonk, speaking from the top of a snow plough said; “sharp eyed viewers may have noticed that on Tuesday morning nothing happened except snow in the UK, no wars, no famine and no unpleasantness of any kind”, he continued “we wish to thank the rest of the world for staying in and doing nothing so we can concentrate on spreading panic about the snow.
Yup! that’s the way of it! For some of us, the weekend Round the Country news was 80% football results. And the weather map showed 3am Sunday morning (i.e. middle of the night) with full sun! Think they’ve been infected with all the antifreeze!
Comment by tinacryer on 11 March, 2018 at 2:21 pm