STEVE SNEYD Interview ‘From Mars To Marsden’.


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4 Responses to STEVE SNEYD

    1. So sorry to hear about Steve’s passing. We were long time friends with many shared interests (including the two-edged sword of creative writing teaching, which we laughed and lamented over whenever I made it up to Huddersfield). Always gracious and honest in his feedback, I was delighted that he agreed to write an introduction to an e-book collection of mine a few years back. My next pint, in Huddersfield or elsewhere, will be raised to you, mate.

      Comment by Phil Emery on 1 August, 2018 at 8:12 am
    2. So sad that Steve and I had not met for some years.
      But having known him for close to 50-years, we collaborated on many things.
      Not just his Small Press poetry, but his knowledge of castles and legends, both of which he
      wrote many articles on for my various magazines.

      He will be sorely missed, but his words will live on.

      Nice to see some of the old faces at his funeral. He had a good send off.

      Comment by Peter E Presford on 23 August, 2018 at 3:56 pm
    3. Only just found out the news today via your piece, Andy. I’d corresponded with Steve since the mid-’80s, and what always struck me about him was just what a nice guy he was. Everyone involved in the small press scene – past and present – are really gonna miss him.

      Comment by Paul Rance on 26 August, 2018 at 8:37 pm
    4. just now found this out. I was in intermittent correspondence with Steve since I was 17 years old (now 57). I’m so very sad to hear that he has passed – and from emphysema, what also killed my father. That’s wretched. I never met him in person but he radiated encouragement and good vibes. I loved the man as I loved the poetry he has shared with me. My condolence to any friends, relatives and all other survivors. x

      Comment by ed HILLYER on 9 December, 2020 at 9:37 am

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