The world is trying to loosen us, but I’m
keeping my edge, masking up for indoor
errands, skittery with distance in crowds.

Seeing a photo of a fox the other day,
I thought, That’s me, vulpine, definitely
feral, watching the carefree people

from the den I vigilantly protect.
Put yourself and others at risk.  Party on,
let your hair down, shake your booty,

say God will take care of you, later
say “God only takes the best.”  You know
that old normal was never really worth

a damn.  So you just go on ahead.
I’ll be along a little later — or not.  



Thomas R. Smith
Illustration: Atlanta Wiggs

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    1. This is from the author. Atlanta Wiggs, this is a wonderful graphic for my poem. Marvelous! Many thanks!

      Comment by Thomas R. Smith on 11 September, 2021 at 1:19 pm

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