The Copulation of Angels

copulation of angels

illustration: Elena Caldera



When Milton spoke of the “copulation of angels”
And Lear said, “Let copulation thrive!”
They were praising the way that the life-force
Overcomes death with love’s sexual drive.

“There’s little else that life can supply,”
Said John Wilkes, the people’s tribune,
“But a few good fucks and then we die.”
Yet our dust’s in continuous motion…

And who can prove that we don’t live beyond the grave
With spiritualized selves enjoying vibrant spasms –
Whilst other-worldly beings cluster round us to arouse us
In a transcendent land of perpetual orgasm?

“The Genitals are Beauty,” proclaimed William Blake
And, when they merge in love’s fiery fever,
It’s hard not to think that all’s right with the world;
That these sensations will go on forever.

Heathcote Williams



By Heathcote Williams

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