The Dead One Flows Beside

                                                    “Death stole your sanity,”
                                                     I say, my neck slanted toward my friend
                                                     who remains scattered
                                                      in the things we shared
                                                      when he walked the walk of one alive.

                                                      Autumn sets its theme,
                                                      not limited to the public garden,
                                                      also on the pavements and in those
                                                      trails waving up and down the hill.

                                                      The migratory birds replace the season.
                                                      Their progress stuns us
                                                      within one day or two.
                                                     “I am as sane as a maple leaf.”
                                                      says my friend, stronger than before,
                                                      shadowy, following, flowing.




Kushal Poddar
Illustration Nick Victor




Kushal Poddar lives in Kolkata, India
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