The Death of Democracy


Washington D.C.,
January 6th, 2021,
“Democracy died here today”,
reads the epitaph



all that was wanted was respect,
if the purpose was to harm you weak little men,
you would have been harmed,
America sick,
for a generation or two,
liberty and justice gone,
replaced by red tape,
and gutless judges,
and bureaucrats,
just admit the truth,
the capitol is not the “people’s” house,
nor is the government,
it is yours,
you little men,
weak and corrupt,
we, deplorables,
tried and failed,
no longer to participate,
or vote,
we will hunker down,
and protect our own,
awaiting the revolution,
the same as our brethen on the left,
though bastards, they may be,
America dead for a number of years,
was buried yesterday.


Doug Polk




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One Response to The Death of Democracy

    1. Brilliant!
      Ignore the people at your peril.
      And dont forget the deplorable proles that grow your food, transport it and sell it to you at the checkout.
      Where would you be without them?

      Comment by Claire on 10 January, 2021 at 1:35 am

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