The Museum of Neoliberalism which I’ve been running at the front of my studio since 2019 will be closing this year, as my developer landlord proceeds with plans to demolish it and turn Leegate shopping centre into a tower of luxury flats. You could say it’s a fitting end for a museum about neoliberalism, or you could say it stinks, and it sucks and its an absolute nightmare.
A collaboration with Gavin Grindon, the museum in its current form was always intended as a trial run for an eventual permanent museum about Thatcherism. Ideally my hope is that I can find a new studio somewhere large and affordable enough that the museum can reopen/relaunch there, but without a lottery win I will likely have to leave London for that to be feasible.
Demolition is scheduled for October, (just shy of its 5th birthday) so in the meantime I’ll be on the look out for spaces and trying to sell as much of my stuff as possible with the insane dream of being able to afford a deposit on a place, rather than renting, and then build a permanent Thatcher Museum inside it. (If you’d like to help with that my shop is here!)
Essentially it comes down to the fact that the higher I can get my income before March 31st, the better chance I have of getting a mortgage large enough to afford somewhere that can host both studio and museum. In order to try and do that I’m basically having a clearance sale except all the prices are the same (except for a little t-shirt sale below). As well as the stuff in my shop I have loads of unlisted stuff kicking about so get in touch if you want to buy any of my larger works. Like the Pocket Money Loans sign from Dismaland. How much can I get for that? Where’s all the mad art collectors at?
My originals are for sale, my sculptures are for sale, fuck it I’d even do commissions for the right price. No adverts or brand collabs tho, let’s not lose our fucking minds.
I’m kind of resigned to the fact that this whole process is going to eat up loads of my productive capacity this year so I’m going to try not take on any major projects and just paint lots of paintings.
If you’d like to visit the museum, please do! It’s free but as always it’s best to make a booking at at least 24 hours in advance or call ahead before travelling as opening times can be sporadic!