The Flying Desert is a collection of over 20 full color paintings and accompanying poems by David Chorlton, whose poems and art often appear in it.
“I have come to believe that there is less of a division between the natural world and our urban one than we often think. At least in the corner of Phoenix where I live I count myself lucky to be within walking distance of a huge desert park that runs for 20,000 acres through the city and able to watch for several species of birds. Arizona is a great state as a whole for seeing birds, and their presence tells us much about the greater global concerns. That said, there is much to be gained from simply looking out of the window and keeping a keen eye when out walking. Repeated exposure to birds opens up new ways of seeing them and relating their lives to ours.”
David Chorlton was born in Austria and grew up in Manchester, England. In 1971 he moved from the rainy industrial city to the cultural city of Vienna and stayed seven years before moving to Phoenix, where he began to invest more time in his writing. Arizona’s landscape and wildlife gradually infiltrated his work, where he can show his affection for them even while acknowledging that he remains, quite contentedly, unassimilated. That is a circumstance to which he owes much of his poetry.
David has been actively involved in the small press scene since the 1970’s and has had over 30 books and chapbooks published by various presses through the years.
Copies of the book can be ordered at