The Proletarianization of the Bourgeoisie


Regularly, in the newspeak of the class-ridden state,

we’re informed of an all-encompassing sociological theory:

‘The Bourgeoisification of the Proletariat’

ie. how the galley-slaves these days are happy as Larry,

weighed down with swag, Marx-free, nay, at long last

‘indistinguishable’ from their middle-class betters

and how all we have to worry about’s the underclass

of crims, sluts, schizos, beggars, junkies, poets etc.


Yet all I see’s the proletarianization of the bourgeois,

media-brainwashed and work-programmed boot-licks

into computer games, suntans, tracksuits, soap operas,

office parties with strippergrams, cakes like chocolate dicks.

Codes of ettiquette are those of the ‘tough’ not the ‘toff’

and stats show they increasingly resort to violence:

headbutting, glassing, biting people’s earlobes off.

They too are being successfully schooled in the new science.


Niall McDevitt


from b/w (Waterloo Books, 2010)




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